A brief history the book of ephesians

The book of ephesians is a prison epistle letter written while in prison. Paul starts of this letter by greeting the church at ephesus, who unlike the church at corinth, are predominantly gentiles and get along very well, but have need of further teaching in. Second, god has reconciled these saved individuals to each other, christ having broken down the barriers through his own death 2. Emperor nero came to power very shortly thereafter, in ad 64, and he was one of the most horrific persecutors of christians ever in all of history. The book of ephesians is held in great reverence by both biblical scholars and lay people. The key personalities of ephesians are the apostle paul and tychicus. Here we have yet another letter from the apostle paul. The book of ephesians is a beautiful revelation of the church and the spiritual blessings we have in christ jesus. Matthew henry 18 october 1662 22 june 1714 was an english commentator on the bible, who published his works in 1706, sixvolume exposition of the old and new testaments 17081710 or complete commentary, provides an exhaustive verse by verse study of the bible, covering the whole of the old testament, and the gospels and acts in the new testament.

Aug 23, 2012 furthermore, christianity was not a widely accepted or politically correct religion in the grecoroman empire at the time the letter to the ephesians was written. It was a center of learning and was near several key land routes. The epistle to the ephesians, also called the letter to the ephesians and often shortened to ephesians, is the tenth book of the new. Also known as the epistle to the ephesians, it is one of the prison epistles which the apostle paul wrote around 6062 a. A more extensive outline after this one helps understand how the many parts form the whole. Put on the full armor of god so that you can take your stand against the devils schemes.

Ephesians summary we have detailed a brief summary of the book of ephesians for bible study or sunday school lessons. We have detailed a brief summary of the book of ephesians for bible study or sunday school lessons. The book of colossians is about the supremacy of the person of christ. Ephesians offers general instruction in the truths of gods redemptive work in christ. The book of ephesians is an excellent read for anyone who is unsure of their standing in christ. Ephesus was a wealthy port city in the roman province of asia. Paul intended that all who long for christlike maturity would receive this writing. Paul instructs the church that christianity is for all men, jews, gentiles, male female, bond, free, all are united in christ. Intro to ephesians biblica the international bible society.

Ephesians our blessings in christ importance this epistle was evidently addressed to the church in ephesus cf. According to ephesians, christ and believers are seated in the heavenly places, the church bears witness to gods wisdom in the heavenly places, and the armor of god is made available for believers to battle against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places ephesians 6. This time, pauls writing to the church in ephesus and, boy, does he have a lot to say. Author the apostle paul date the letter to the ephesians was written during pauls roman imprisonment between 60 and 62 ad audience paul wrote to the network of house churches in western asia minor, in and near ephesus. Made alive with the christ 110 wall of separation destroyed 1122 3. Acts 19, but may have been intended as a circular letter to be read by neighboring churches. Ephesus continued to deteriorate, although it experienced a brief. The apostle paul wrote this letter to the churches in ephesus and the surrounding region c. Abbott, a critical and exegetical commentary on the epistles to the ephesians and to the colossians, icc, pp. Finally, be strong in the lord and in his mighty power. This summary of the book of ephesians provides information about the title, authors, date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the book of ephesians. The city of ephesus was a large commercial port city in asia minor present day turkey located at. The main purpose of a summary is as a simplification highlighting the major points from the original and much longer version of the subject. Anderson dates the epistle to the same time circa ad 61 but places paul in rome when he wrote see richard.

Specific instructions for christian living ephesians 4. Its authorship has traditionally been attributed to paul the apostle but starting in 1792, this has been challenged as deuteropauline, that is, written in pauls name by a later author strongly influenced by pauls thought, probably by a loyal. In the book of acts, the history of church at ephesus begins with the ministry. For a discussion of that possibility, see thomas a. When paul wrote the book of ephesians, paul was in prison. Gods message of in the book of ephesians is still for the church today. Paul wrote this letter to the church at ephesus, which he had led for over two years acts 19. Introduction from the niv study bible go to ephesians. A little later, he said that the body comes about through jesus death on the cross and through the preaching of the gospel. A brief outline enables us to understand the whole book. For a brief time at the end of his second missionary journey, and then for more than two. Barcellos this is taken from the journal of the institute of reformed baptist studies 2016. It was written around 60ad during pauls house arrest in rome.

What was hidden throughout the ages was revealed to us when christ came. This letter is one of pauls four imprisonment letters. Paul gives thanks and prays for the ephesians ephesians 1. He has no equal among the religious leaders of the world religions because he and he alone is gods son and the way, the truth, and the life john 14. The book of ephesians is in the bibles new testament. An overview of the main events and biblical characters found in ephesians in the bible. Commentary on the book of ephesians by matthew henry new. Book of ephesians overview insight for living ministries. This morning we come for our bible study to a book that is indeed a treasure of mine and of every believer, the book of ephesians. Prayer for ephesians strength, praise to god ephesians 3. The body must be whole and complete, and thats why in ephesians 4 it says, till we all come to the fullness of the stature of christ. Doctrine occupies the greatest portion of the book of ephesians.

Pauls epistle to ephesus may have been written during his imprisonment at caesarea maritima as described at the end of acts. Summary of the book of ephesians story of the bible. Paul explains the mystery of the church and gives practical insight into living as believers. One cannot step over the threshold of this letter into the book of ephesians without being inundated with thoughts of gods mercy and grace. The book of ephesians was very likely written between a. Christ should stand up in full functioning form in his body the church just as he did in his human body in his incarnation. It was written to encourage believers to walk as fruitful followers of christ and to serve in unity and love in the midst of persecution. Matthew henry 18 october 1662 22 june 1714 was an english commentator on the bible, who published his works in 1706, sixvolume exposition of the old and new testaments 17081710 or complete commentary, provides an exhaustive verse by verse study of the bible, covering the whole of the old testament, and the gospels and acts in the. Indeed, he is the image of the invisible god, the sovereign and preeminent one among all creation col. The book of ephesians tells how the gospel affects our. Paul wrote that salvation can be attained by the grace of god and that it is through faith alone not by any other way, not. Listen to chuck swindolls overview of ephesians in his audio message from the classic series gods masterwork.

Book of ephesians outline summary online bible nwt. There have been changes in translations and different interpretations offered on ephesians 4. This would further seem to suggest, as i have believed, that not only did paul write the book of colossians, but that he wrote colossians before writing the book of ephesians. Early in the history of grace church, the history of john macarthur at grace church at least, it was obvious to me that god had something very special in mind for this church. Paul and the disciplines of christianity were strictly refused by ephesians, elderly. We have detailed a brief summary of the book of colossians for bible study or sunday school lessons. Enclosed within the book of ephesians is the discipline needed to develop into true children of god. Ephesus was an ancient port city whose wellpreserved ruins are in. Ephesus was the most important city in western asia minor now turkey. Paul was excited about gods good gifts ephesians 1. Watch our overview video on the book of ephesians, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. Therefore put on the full armor of god, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after. Ephesus was the chief city of the coastal area of asia minor.

Ephesus has played significant roles during the date, in the early christianity, as well. Bible blender october 14, 2017 complete but concise summary of each book of the bible old testament and new testament 20171218t17. The below chart will help underline and point out these similarities. Feb 07, 2015 the book of ephesians was written to gods holy people in ephesus ephesians 1. Paul spent more time there than any other city about three years. First, god has reconciled individuals to himself as an act of grace 2. Again, given what paul has already said in ephesians, this must be about growing christs people through preaching the gospel. The book of ephesians was written to gods holy people in ephesus ephesians 1. E phesians is one of the most encouraging books in the new testament. Comprised of jews and nonjews, these followers form the covenant family god promised to abraham. During this time he also wrote colossians and philemon. The book of ephesians is a letter from paul to christians at ephesus. Earlier in ephesians, paul used the body to refer to the church, the fulfilment of gods cosmic purposes in christ ephesians 1. Paul thanks god for the ephesians faith and prays for them 1523 2.

Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind. A brief introduction to ephesians ephesians online reading room extensive collection of online. You may remember him from such new testament letters as romans and 1 corinthians. Ephesus is mentioned multiple times in the new testament, and the biblical book of ephesians, written around 60 a.

The apostle paul wrote this letter to the churches in ephesus and. Ephesians intro to ephesians biblica the international bible. Paul instructs the church that christianity is for all men. In the book of ephesians, we see how the gospel story affects believers everyday lives. Although colossians is similar to ephesians, it is brief while the book of ephesians is much more articulate and extensive. God the father planned throughout history for jesus to create a multiethnic community of followers. A summary, synopsis or recap is a shortened version of the original. Read all of ephesians 3 the whole of chapter 3 is a parenthesis unfolding the mystery. The fundamental principles of grace and mans responsibility to abide by gods laws are thoroughly revealed in the old testament. Paul had spent nearly three years in ephesus acts 19. The book of ephesians hits on a wide range of moral and ethical behaviors. The prestige of ephesus increased with the arrival of saint paul, for spreading the christianity to the ephesians worshipping to artemis.

In the book of ephesians, the apostle paul highlights christian unity and the need to go on walking in love and to stand firm against the crafty acts of the devil. For a brief time at the end of his second missionary journey, and then for more than two years on his third missionary journey, paul ministered to the church at ephesus acts 18. The epistle to the ephesians, also called the letter to the ephesians and often shortened to ephesians, is the tenth book of the new testament. I offer the following commentary and summary for ephesians in this article. An overview if the famous bible stories found in the scriptural text of the book of ephesians contained in this short summary of ephesians. Call gods people to live in light of our heavenly calling in christ. Sacred secret to include gentiles 1 gentiles joint heirs with christ 6 gods eternal purpose 11 prayer for the ephesians to gain insight 1421 4. Having explained gods great goals for the church, paul proceeds to show the steps toward their fulfillment. All three letters were sent with tychicus and onesimus. It is interesting to note and observe that while the new testament often refers to the church, it does not speak of going to church in the way we. The book of ephesians is a masterpiece of revelation that bridges the principles of grace and obedience into one solid irremovable form. Perhaps paul did not wish to single out certain persons in this short letter since he knew so many.

Obrien, the letter to the ephesians, the pillar new testament commentary, grand rapids, mi. Summarising the epistle to the ephesians the bible brief. The purpose of the book of ephesians was to warn the church elders about the false teachers that were teaching a false gospel and to maintain their first love that they held when they first became believers. Ephesians and colossians summary the epistle to the ephesians.